$800,000 – Omaha, NE – CPA firm

Gross Revenue: $800,000

Location: SouthWest, Nebraska

Industry: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services

Listing ID: NE-2042

Listing Status: New


Overview - ABA Advisors represents this CPA firm located in Omaha, NE. The owner wishes to retire but is willing to work part-time with the buyer post-closing as the buyer may desire. This continuity should aid a smooth transition and client retention.

The Firm - Founded over 30 years ago, this firm has an excellent history, solid average fees, and represents a rare opportunity for the right buyer. The owner is ready to retire but is willing to work part-time for the buyer. The staff are not aware of the sale, but the owner anticipates they will be interested in continued employment with the buyer. The firm’s clients are a diverse mix of small businesses and professional service firms. This is a peer reviewed firm but they do not perform any reviews or audits. The buyer of this firm MUST BE a CPA.

Business ID# NE-2042


Reason For Sale:

The owner wishes to retire but is willing to work part-time with the buyer post-closing as the buyer may desire.

Training & Support:

This continuity should aid a smooth transition and client retention.

For more information on this listing, please complete our Non-Disclosure Agreement

Jeff Bell

Jeff Bell