Gross Revenue: $900,000
Location: NorthEast, Pennsylvania
Industry: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services
Listing ID: US-2070
Listing Status: New
Overview - ABA Advisors represents this 100% remotely run bookkeeping firm. The firm also provides payroll services to some of the clients. The owner is committed to 6-9 months of transitional assistance to help the buyer become acclimated with the firms’ clients and staff.
The Firm - The owner started the firm in 2009. The firm was originally started and operated as a fully remote firm. The employees of the firm all work remotely. They are a combination of part-time and full-time W-2 employees. The owner requires employees to be available during business hours but maintains a flexible work schedule. Clients include property management companies, non-profits, service-based businesses and software, among others. All clients send in their information electronically. The firm is 100% paperless. The staff have all signed non-solicitation agreements and are expected to continue with the buyer. Clients are generally located in PA, NY, CA, NJ and FL. No client makes up 10% or more of the firm's annual revenue.
Business ID: US-2070
Reason For Sale: Seller is of retirement age.
Training & Support: Seller is willing to provide transitional assistance for 6-9 months following closing, or as desired by buyer. Staff are not aware of the sale but are expected to transition with the buyer.